Friday, July 21, 2006

The good stuff

A quick advertisement for our local Children's Hospital here in Melbourne.

1) Good emergency department. Looks like chaos but they know their stuff.
2) IV drip - good for a quick fix for a little fella. And with the state he was in, he wasn't with us anyway to be aware of it going in.
3) The American Ladies Auxiliary - responsible for the paintings of comical critters on the hospital wall - thank you ladies
4) The pediatrician (last time I saw the guy was at a dear friends funeral in early '98). This time, I looked up, bleary eyed from 2 hours sleep on a makeshift bed next to my son and croaked "Julian ?" and knew it would all be alright.
5) God - yes I know you lot think I am a dope for having my faith but there you are. Thanks to the unknowable entity
6) The friend who - upon seeing me back at work at the end of this week said "Jeez, you look like I feel". She is soooo buying lunch when we catch up tomorrow.
7) To my lovely parents who helped hubby and I between shifts and gave us time to have the odd catnap to avoid keeling over.


CCCCppppCCppp said...


What have you been up to?

Pat said...

So little fella will be OK?

The Phosgene Kid said...

Glad to hear your son is all right. It is tough to see babies hurting. Faith is ok, it gives your something to hold on to, wish I had some at times.

Mummified said...

Little fella will be OK. He now has a ventoline puffer thing with a spacer and a mask so we can use that when he starts having trouble.
thanks for your kind wishes.



The Phosgene Kid said...

You have to move out of the big city and get the lad some fresh air. Phoenix is poisoning me; I have never had so much trouble. People used to come out this way for their health, the trouble is they haven’t stopped coming and have brought all the problems with them.

The Phosgene Kid said...

I hope your young lad is out playing Aussie rules football with the rest of the boys by now.

Mummified said...

Nope, little guy is still convalescing but thanks for your note. Very impressed that you know about Aussie Rules PK - what a Renaissance man !



The Phosgene Kid said...

I watch too much TV. Glad the lad is coming along though.

Cheshire Cat said...

Mummy, wafting good health vibes your, Poppified, and the wee one's way.

The Phosgene Kid said...

Hi Mummy!!! Just thinking about you...

CCCCppppCCppp said...


time for a new post
