Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Da Vinci - Da Sminchy

Having neither read the book nor seen the film, I feel more than qualified to spout off, at length about the Da Vinci Code and its real meaning. Cobbling together glimpses of TV news programs, a hald read article in "The Spectator" and a piccie and caption or too from the local broadsheet "The Age", I have come to the following conclusions:

a) it is just a huge money making exercise (well duh ! I hear you say)
b) the more Hollywood and its media acoloytes trash Christianity, the better chance they have of people seeking meaning in their lives in other ways (like shopping - aka retail therapy - I own, therefore I am)
c) No one would dream of abusing Islam in the way we constantly do Christianity - maybe Muslims are better at getting stroppy when it does happen.
d) no, I am not advocating censorship just sick of Christianity being the whipping boy ALL THE TIME
d) I am only adding fuel to the fire and creating more hype for Dan Brown.

Darn it


The Phosgene Kid said...

I don;t know, the Muhammed cartoons were pretty good. When all is said and done it is just a story.

Now American Idol is proof there is no god.

Mummified said...

It is just a story - you are right.
BTW American Idol may be proof there is no god but it does make a strong argument for the existence of purgatory (for those forced to watch)

Jose Chavez said...

LOL. And, if you read a book from him, you've read em all so don't bother. Plus I don't mind Catholism being whipped by atheist everytime they can, it's funny to see =P

PS: I am fully aware my grammar ain't good but meh gimme a break lol.

The Phosgene Kid said...

Yeah, the threshold of hell!! Best of all it never, ever ends!! Well, what would poor Simon do if it weren't for that show, he has no appreciable talents - come to think of niether do any of his fellow judges, or 99 9/10ths% of the contestents.

I did crack the Davinci code, oddly it is the samemessage you get when you spin a Vienna Boy's Choir album backwards: "Religion is crap, you are wasting your time"

Tillerman said...
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Fuff said...

The film is dire, apparently. I wouldn't go to see it on principle as most films are never as good as the book. Not much of a benchmark there then.

Mummified said...

Crikey, I wrote this column as a bit of a joke and look what happened...
Ooooh, clearly it is wise to STAY AWAY from religion. And Fuff, good point, will avoid the film like the plague which everyone know was God's way of punishing the Eygyptions - JOKING, I am JOKING !!!

Cheshire Cat said...


Never talk religion or politics? At least 85% of all conversations would cease. Hmm...