Monday, May 08, 2006

For what we are about to receive....

may the lord make us truly grateful. This was what we used to say at the table before eating lunch (dinner) when I was at school as a kid.

This morning I woke to the news that the 2 miners who have been trapped underground (after an earth tremor caused a cave-in) in Tasmania for 14 days have been freed. Apparently this story has run in Europe and the US some some of you may know what I am talking about.

Anyway, in Australia we held our collective breaths hoping that they would be able to get the guys out by careful drilling and using the latest technology. The miners emerged unscathed early this morning our time. You don't get a lot of good news in the media. This was a welcome exception. And we are really, really grateful.



Pat said...

I just heard the wonderful news! What impressed me the most is that the rescue effort continued on, full force and uninterruped, for the two full weeks! I'm afraid (and ashamed) to say that all too often that is simply not the case with rescue efforts here. You and your country have my respect and admiration!

Jose Chavez said...

It is really nice to hear this accidents do not always end in a tragedy. Something like this happened in a coal mine. 73 miners were trapped in a methane explosion, 9 survived and the others were instantly incinerated by the explosion. Rescue efforts were made, but it was evident no one had survived. These efforts were made just to try and calm the families of the miners. It was a truly sad incident seeing as how it could have been prevented. Some people are in jail/lost their jobs, that's about the only good thing that came out of it.

The Phosgene Kid said...

Under Down Under and now it's over - that is terrific. Too many of these tales don't come with a happy ending.

Mummified said...

And, get this, the word is that they are going on "Oprah" to tell their story. Don't know if it is true but how amazing if it is...

The Phosgene Kid said...

Think Doprah will let them jump on her couch??

Cheshire Cat said...

Mummy, that was excellent news. I was so glad to hear they're above ground now and with their loved ones.